At Woodland Hills, we'll give you a superlative palette for creating the home of your dreams. Whether you're looking for a principal home, the ideal setting in which to raise a family or a central location from which to enjoy retirement, Woodland Hills has just the space. Chicago is within comfortable reach, O'Hare is conveniently close, and everything ordinary seems a million miles away. 

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A Neighborhood In Nature

From the vivid morning sunshine streaming through your window, to the quiet evenings spent listening to crickets and migratory birds on nearby lakes and natural wetlands, life at Woodland Hills is intimately connected to nature. Totally removed from the fast-paced life just beyond, Woodland Hills is an oasis of peace and beauty.

Build A Dream

Woodland Hills offers you a breathtaking array of choices for creating the home of your dreams. Whether you’re looking for a principal home, the ideal setting in which to raise a family or a central location from which to enjoy retirement, Woodland Hills has just the space. Chicago is within comfortable reach, O’Hare is conveniently close, and everything ordinary seems a million miles away.


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Space to Live Your Life

Choose a landscape that satisfies your imagination and a homesite that suits your needs. Some offer delightful views of the water, while others provide gorgeous vistas of the wildlife conservancy that will stay with you forever.

No matter which inspiring panorama you choose, you’ll have enough space and comfort to assure privacy and tranquility. This is life with room to spare. This is life at Woodland Hills, where the beauty of nature enriches everyday life.